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February Guild Show
7:30 pm Saturday, February 8th

Storytellers Will Hornyak, Gretchen Peterson and Julie Strozyk weave tales, songs and poems from the personal to the mythic and the ridiculous to the profound, exploring the most basic trinity of the human experience.
About the tellers:

Will Hornyak
From Irish myths and Russian fairytales to Mexican folktales and Oregon tall tales, Will Hornyak weaves a wide web of oral traditions into thoughtful and well-crafted performances.

Gretchen Peterson
Gretchen found her storytelling niche by writing and performing stories about women who love women. Her crisp, commanding performances of personal stories, original folktales, fairy tales and myths are a delight for audiences.

Julie Strozyk
Julie's long career in storytelling stretches from telling “scary stories” to her 6th grade classmates to enthralling Portland audiences with her embodiment of the folkloric character, Baba Yaga. Julie enjoys telling traditional, historical and personal tales that touch the heart and “give it a little squeeze”.
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