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Guild EXTRA Show

5pm Saturday, February 17th
Pockets of time blue bckgnd with pocket and watch 24 with title andAPheadshotPOSTCARD.jpg
Stories from Pockets of Time. Episode #2

Sailing a boat on the seven seas, riding the rails along the coast of Italy, flying the airways home and back again, are all ways to move from one point in time to another.         
Travel can be an adventure, a necessity, a revelation. It is often an exhausting, exhilarating, infuriating mix of emotions.

Join storytellers Anne Penfound and Maura Doherty as they travel through times in their lives when adventure beckoned or pressing matters presided. Some experiences were challenging, others fun, others were times when they were touched by a feeling of; ‘I wonder what would have happened if……………?’

About the tellers:


Anne Penfound

Anne joined the Portland Storytellers Guild in when she moved from Scotland to Portland Oregon. She presents a unique oral interpretation of original stories and multicultural tales which have inspired audiences since 2001. 

Her style and quirky British humor, facial expression, voice and gestures take you right to the heart of the story. These stories fan the embers of experience and tickle our funny bone with the enjoyment of life. Over the years Anne has told stories at many different venues, at schools, libraries, and festivals and now she delights in telling adults’ stories that are special to her, stories from pockets of time that continue to flavor her life.


“Stories weave magic, enrich my soul and bring joy to my life”

Anne Penfound “Storytelling by Word of Mouth” – a passport to journeys of the imagination.

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Maura Doherty

When Maura was five, she told her sister, “A man jumped out the window and broke his leg.”

Jo Anne gasped as they sat on the floor of Dad’s 1946 Plymouth surrounded by four siblings with Mom in front with baby Peter. Dad asked, “What man? Where?” That’s when Maura discovered stories had power.

She grew up in the Bronx surrounded by four brothers, two sisters and everything Irish. Her stories come from the wellspring of that childhood where Catholic rituals and the Irish brogues of her parents and neighbors filled her life. She taught for several years so adolescent girls could remind her to have fun and moved across the country, living in various places where she met amazing mentors and used her powers for good. Along the way her connections to religion faded and was replaced by a belief in the goodness of the people in her life and in their heart-opening stories.

She has been with the Guild for close to a decade and has performed her solo show, The Pot Luck, a dozen times in venues across Oregon. In this performance she will share a story about travels that led to a surprise she didn’t expect.

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