Benefits of Membership
The Portland Storytellers' Guild brings you many opportunities! Become a member today!
Member Benefits:
Publicity for your own storytelling events in the Guild newsletter.
Monthly email newsletters with upcoming events and opportunities
Membership is required to perform in PSG shows
Discounts for all 'in person' Guild workshops
Professional members receive a personal listing on the website
10% discount on your membership with the National Storytelling Network
Paid membership in Story Crossroads, an excellent source of educational resources

Join or Renew
On-line with Paypal
Send through the mail
Enjoy the convenience of Paypal!
1. Select your membership level.
2. Click on the Paypal button, enter the correct dollar amount and complete your purchase.
Do not use the dollar sign ($).
Just fill out the registration form and mail it to us with a check!
1. Download the membership registration form (PDF below)

3. Please be sure we have your correct name, email, address, and phone. (We only share our membership information inside the Guild as needed.)
2. Select your desired membership level.
3. Mail the form with your check, payable to Portland Storytellers’ Guild.
You can use the "Update Your Information" form below if your Paypal information is not complete.

Portland Storytellers' Guild
4230 SE King Rd. #120
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Update Your Information
We want to keep in touch!
Please update your information on the form below and we will add the changes to our data base.