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Hire a Teller

Professional Tellers*

You can search below or, if you wish, contact us and we will forward your request to our list of professional tellers who will then get in touch with you if available. Please consult with individual tellers on availability and rates.
Hot Air Balloons

 Great for special occasions, meetings, parties, schools, senior centers, libraries and so much more!

Many tellers also offer Themed Programs and Workshops

So many reasons to hire a storyteller....

Interested in a teller?

Click the 'More Info" button.

Or, you can go directly to the teller's page.

*This page is provided as a resource to locate professional tellers in the greater Portland area. It is not a definitive list but represents those tellers who have chosen to purchase a Guild membership at a professional level. (It does not imply endorsement by Portland Storytellers Guild.)


Audience: All ages, from pre-school through college/adult

Alton Takiyama-Chung

Types of stories: Asian folktales, Hawaiian legends, ghost stories, Japanese American experience of WWII, stories of the Hawaiian monarchy, stories of immigration, historic stories, personal stories, and stories from literature.

Themed Programs and Workshops Available


Audience: Middle school, high school, college/adult

Steven Henegar

Types of stories: Personal experience, family stories, original fiction, traditional folk tales.

Themed Programs and Workshops Available

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Audience: Middle school/ high school/ college/adult

Brian Rohr

Types of stories: Fairy/Folk tales / myth / traditional / personal.

Themed Programs and Workshops Available

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Audience: All-ages, esp. older kids and adults

Ingrid Nixon

Types of stories: Personal stories, historical exploration stories, Shackleton survival epic, Grimm's folktales with a twist, ghost stories, tall tales, Greek myths, folktales from around the world, and more!

Themed Programs,  Workshops, & Master Classes Available

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Audience: All ages

Will Hornyak

Types of stories: Myth, fable, legend,  fairytale, folktale, personal narrative, participation stories, song and poetry.

Themed Programs and Workshops Available


Audience: Elementary, middle school, high school, adult, seniors

Mike Devenney

Types of stories: Traditional, personal narrative

Themed Programs and Workshops Available

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Audience: All ages from birth to 100 plus!

Anne-Louise Sterry

Types of stories: Fairy/folk, myth, traditional, historical, personal, song/music

Themed Programs and Workshops Available

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Audience: All ages

Ken Iverson

Types of stories: Original, traditional and contemporary folktales, myth, tall tales

Themed Programs

Sarah Stein storyteller

Audience:All ages

Sarah Stein

Types of stories: Fairy/folk, myth, personal, literary.  Jewish stories are my strength

Themed Programs 

Alton T-C
Anne-Louiise S
Maura D
Steven H
Brian R
Will H
Cynthia W
John W
Ken I
Saah Stein
Mke D

John Wylder

Audience: Adult; senior; college

Types of stories: Personal, historical; motivational

Themed Programs


Monthly Shows

Audience: LIVE at  the Artichoke

monthly Sept. - June

Types of stories: Richly varied. Each performance a different group of storytellers!

Many tellers have Themed Programs and Workshops Available

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Cynthia Westby

Audience: Adults

Types of stories: Personal, myth, wisdom tales

Themed Programs and Workshops Available


Monthly Shows

Audience: LIVE at  the Artichoke

monthly Sept. - June

Types of stories: Richly varied. Each performance a different group of storytellers!

Many tellers have Themed Programs and Workshops Available


Maura Doherty

Audience: Teenager and adult

Types of stories: Personal and memoir

Themed Programs


Monthly Shows

Audience: LIVE at  the Artichoke

monthly Sept. - June

Types of stories: Richly varied. Each performance a different group of storytellers!

Many tellers have Themed Programs and Workshops Available

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